How BeHerd works…
BeHerd for teens/students…
If you’re a teen and struggling, you’re not alone
- 60% of students experience depression but are untreated?
- 32% of students will have an anxiety disorder at some point.
- 13.3% of students will suffer a major depressive disorder in the next year.
You shouldn’t feel alone. More people want to help than you realize: friends, family, neighbors, public officials, school staff, social workers, therapists, and more.
That’s why we created BeHerd. To give you a voice and the platform to amplify it. To change the way you think about asking for help. To connect you with people who want to and are willing to listen—so you can be heard…whether you’re struggling or not!

For parents and guardians…
It’s hard to watch the people you care most about struggle, and it’s natural to want to “fix” things. But for teens, “fixing” implies they’re broken…and it is often experienced as a lot of being talked at instead of listened to.
BeHerd helps change this dynamic by encouraging your teen to share how they’re feeling in a way that feels safe, supported, and controlled. It allows them to ask for your help on their terms, in their words, and as they need it.
And the daily check-ins aren’t just for your kids. Creating your own herd that includes your kids and loved ones, then sharing how you’re feeling with them, will promote honesty and trust and drive improved communication. At a time when we’re busy with work, life, school, and extracurricular activities, it’s the dinner-table, how-was-your-day conversation we too often miss but need.
For supporters…
Anyone can be a supporter. You just need to create an account, pass along your username with whoever invites you to join their herd, and “listen in” when they choose to share their check-in.
Supporters include:
- Friends
- Family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.)
- Teachers
- Counselors
- Therapists
How you can support:
- Be an amplifier
- Install the BeHerd app!
- Share your username with people who you invite you to be in their herd.
- Encourage kids you know—struggling or not—to use the app and connect with you to share how they’re doing.
- Send affirmations (by text or email…and coming soon, through the app)
- Build your own herd and share how you’re doing. It’s a great way to break the ice, improve engagement, and drive conversation.

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